Heart attack
Type 1 diabetics have a lower risk of stroke and heart attack than type 2 diabetics, a new study has found. It highlights the fundamental difference between the two conditions and provides insights that could guide future treatment.
A new study has discovered the reason why men tend to sustain more heart muscle damage following a heart attack than women: the hormone testosterone. The researchers have also discovered a potential fix in the form of an existing drug.
Most people know that body fat stored around the midsection can spell disaster for cardiovascular health. But Harvard researchers have now discovered another problematic fat-storage location in the body that's been largely overlooked.
Heart attacks are dangerous not just because of the initial event, but the long-term damage afterwards. Now scientists have discovered a dormant gene that could be reactivated to regenerate heart tissue, preventing the progression to heart failure.
In an analysis of the sleep habits of over 72,000 people, researchers identified a particular pattern that can dramatically spike the risk of major cardiovascular problems. The good news is that the pattern is relatively easy to avoid.
Finding time to exercise each day is a challenge for many people, but a new study of nearly 15,000 men and women has discovered that adding just five minutes of daily activity that gets your heart rate up is enough to lower your blood pressure.
Scarring of heart tissue can be slowed but not stopped, and can lead to heart failure. But a new study has shown that an existing immunotherapy could stop scar tissue formation after heart attacks.
A tiny chip with a unique surface can accurately detect the blood biomarkers of a heart attack within minutes, a fraction of the time taken by current methods. The researchers behind the device see it being used as an at-home diagnostic tool.
Sticky plaques building up on the walls of your blood vessels can lead to heart attacks and strokes. Now, a new nanoparticle infusion therapy has been found to break down these plaques safely in tests in pigs.
Placing defibrillator pads on the chest and back, rather than the usual method of putting two on the chest, increases the odds of surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by more than two-and-a-half times, according to a new study.
A new injectable, temporary pacemaker could help correct a heart arrhythmia in an emergency. This nanoparticle gel can regulate the heart’s electrical signals for up to five days before dissolving harmlessly in the body.
Smoking, obesity, and stress. They're all common causes of damaging cardiac events. However, a just-published study says a new culprit should be added to the list of the risks that can hurt our hearts: constipation.
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