
Scented products cause indoor air pollution on par with car exhaust

Scented products cause indoor air pollution on par with car exhaust
Heated scented wax products produce significant amounts of unhealthy indoor air pollution
Heated scented wax products produce significant amounts of unhealthy indoor air pollution
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Heated scented wax products produce significant amounts of unhealthy indoor air pollution
Heated scented wax products produce significant amounts of unhealthy indoor air pollution
The concentration of new nanoparticles formed by scented wax melts compared to other sources
The concentration of nanoparticles formed by scented wax melts compared to other sources

Using scented products indoors changes the chemistry of the air, producing as much air pollution as car exhaust does outside, according to a new study. Researchers say that breathing in these nanosized particles could have serious health implications.

When you hear or see the words ‘air pollution,’ you most likely think of things like factories and car exhaust. That’s pollution that is out there – outside your house. But have you thought about how you’re contributing to air pollution inside of where you live by using seemingly innocuous products like scented, non-combustible candles?

New research by Purdue University, the latest in a series of Purdue-led studies, examined how scented products – in this case, flame-free candles – are a significant source of nanosized particles small enough to get deep into your lungs, posing a potential risk to respiratory health

“A forest is a pristine environment, but if you’re using cleaning and aromatherapy products full of chemically manufactured scents to recreate a forest in your home, you’re actually creating a tremendous amount of indoor air pollution that you shouldn’t be breathing in,” said Nusrat Jung, an assistant professor in Purdue’s Lyles School of Civil and Construction Engineering and co-corresponding author of the study’s.

‘Tiny house lab’ shows impact of everyday activities on indoor air quality

Scented wax melts are marketed as a flameless, smoke-free, non-toxic alternative to traditional candles, a safer way of making your home or office smell nice. To assess the truth of these claims, the researchers comprehensively measured the nanoparticles formed when they warmed wax melts in their mechanically ventilated test house. The tiny house is actually an architectural engineering laboratory called the Purdue Zero Energy Design Guidance for Engineers (zEDGE) lab. Designed and engineered to test the energy efficiency of a larger building, it’s full of sensors that monitor the impact of everyday activities on indoor air quality.

“To understand how airborne particles form indoors, you need to measure the smallest nanoparticles – down to a single nanometer,” said Brandon Boor, associate professor in civil engineering at Purdue and the study’s other corresponding author. “At this scale, we can observe the earliest stages of new particle formation, where fragrances react with ozone to form tiny molecular clusters.”

The researchers knew from their previous research that new nanoparticle formation was initiated by terpenes – aromatic compounds that determine the smell of things like plants and herbs – released from the melts and reacting with indoor atmospheric ozone (O3). They’d found that activities such as mopping the floor with a terpene-rich cleaning agent, using a citrus-scented air freshener, or applying scented personal care products like deodorant inside the zEDGE house resulted in pulsed terpene emissions to the indoor air within five minutes. Conversely, using essential oil diffusers or peeling citrus fruits caused a more gradual increase in terpenes.

In the present study, heating the scented wax contributed significantly to the number of new particles formed in the indoor air, particularly those smaller than 100 nanometers (nm). The resulting atmospheric concentrations were over one million nanoparticles per cubic centimeter (106 cm-3), which is comparable to concentrations emitted by traditional lighted candles (106 cm-3), gas stoves (105 – 107 cm-3), diesel engines (103 – 106 cm-3), and natural gas engines (106 – 107 cm-3). By comparison, there were no significant terpene emissions when unscented wax melts were heated.

The concentration of new nanoparticles formed by scented wax melts compared to other sources
The concentration of nanoparticles formed by scented wax melts compared to other sources

The researchers also examined respiratory tract deposited dose rates (RD), a useful way of studying air pollution that measures the number of particles deposited in the respiratory tract over time. They found that the new particle formation triggered by using scented wax melts indoors produced a median RD for 1.18 to 100 nm particles of 29 billion per minute (2.9 x 1010 min-1). That’s about 483 million particles per second. The majority of scented-wax-melt-formed particles were deposited in the upper airways. Their small size means they can migrate between cells and enter the bloodstream, potentially reaching organs such as the brain.

While scientists have begun exploring the impact of inhaled terpenes on human health, there is still much more to learn that can only be uncovered through further research. For now, though, the study’s findings can inform building design and ventilation.

“Our research shows that fragranced products are not just passive sources of pleasant scents – they actively alter indoor air chemistry, leading to the formation of nanoparticles at concentrations that could have significant health implications,” said Jung. “These processes should be considered in the design and operation of buildings and their HVAC [heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning] systems to reduce our exposures.”

The study was published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters.

Source: Purdue University

"The authors declare the following competing financial interest(s): [one of the authors] is a full-time employee of GRIMM Aerosol Technik Ainring GmbH & Co. KG, which has a potential direct or indirect financial interest in the subject matter discussed in this work."
Jean H
I was startled to hear that peeling an orange also releases terpenes, though at a slower rate. Food for thought.
Most people honestly can't comprehend the number of chemicals and petrochemicals that can be in a product that says parfum/fragrance it's around 300.
We need a book about this by someone like professor Jung and her colleagues.
People are wrecking their immune systems, endocrine systems and potentially raising inflammation markers with indoor pollution.
I'd like to ask an oncologist what their take is on all these good smell chemicals.
Uncle Rich
No surprise here for me: Scented products are disgusting, intrusive, and invasive. IMHO.
Tech Fascinated
This is a very thorough and well written paper. Indoor pollution is a very important and relevant topic that more people should be aware of. Note that the Grimm brand instrument mentioned was only one of many used in the study.
Fred's Brother
This seems to be 'news' today, yet having read this years ago in another Science magazine, I think it needs to be repeated for people, to make changes. Artificial 'smells' being pumped repeatedly, using petroleum based aerosols seems idiotic. That is my perspective, out of 8 billion other humans, and those who did this research. An estimation of the multiple tons of these products, being used by those more 'affluent', who choose to buy these non-essentials, should be of importance. Did the Advertising and producing of these products for consumption, correlate to the era of wider diagnosis of autism? The ones who claim vaccines contribute to autism, due to extremely dangerous, false publication, by a "doctor", which created doubts in parents, may have resulted in unvaccinated children infected by diseases that can kill.
I've been griping about this problem for years to friends, family and whoever else would listen but still they pollute their homes with this toxic crap found in sprays, incense, scented cleaners, etc, etc, etc, BUT it occasionally sinks in way too slowly.
I'm sure my neighbors over the years get sick of hearing it and I still get a sickening (literally) reminder whenever they try to make their homes smell 'pretty'. I'd really like to see the manufacturers be required to put big warning labels on their products like they do for cigarettes!
What about women wearing perfume and men cologne.
The house environment for many typically provides the most heavily polluted environment due to the large range of chemicals emitted into the indoor air. The sources of this air pollution range from personal care products, cleaning chemicals, fabric protection substances, cooking appliances, cookware coatings.
Gave my wife a big high five when I saw this. She's always been really sensitive to smells, ESPECIALLY any artificial perfumes and scents. Just washing my clothes with something else while traveling will give her a headache.