Chronic Pain

Injections for back pain not such a good idea, say experts

Injections for back pain not such a good idea, say experts
While commonly prescribed, spinal injections might not be the best way to treat back pain says a new meta-study
While commonly prescribed, spinal injections might not be the best way to treat back pain says a new meta-study
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While commonly prescribed, spinal injections might not be the best way to treat back pain says a new meta-study
While commonly prescribed, spinal injections might not be the best way to treat back pain says a new meta-study
Patients should understand that clinicians might have other motives in prescribing spinal injections to treat their back pain, according to a new study
Patients should understand that clinicians might have other motives in prescribing spinal injections to treat their back pain, according to a new study

If you're thinking of getting an injection for back pain, you might want to think again. A panel of experts has examined the practice, found serious issues with its use – including financial gain – and issued strong recommendations to avoid it.

Back pain is one of the most common ailments reported worldwide. In 2020, pain in the lower back alone affected 619 million people around the world, with estimates saying that number will grow to 843 million by 2050 thanks to an expanding and ageing population. Lower back pain is also the single leading cause of disability worldwide. In Brazil, for example, lower back pain was responsible for 100 days of missed work per year per person between 2012 and 2016. In the United States the estimated cost of lower back and neck pain was US$134 billion in 2016, making it the biggest source of healthcare spending in the country.

That being said, a new study has revealed that one of the most common ways to treat the condition – the use of spinal injections – might be one of the least effective. And the reasons behind its use might have more to do with financial gain than patient wellbeing.

Writing in the British Medical Association's journal, The BMJ, a panel of experts says that interventions including epidural steroid injections and nerve blocks are no more effective at helping eliminate back pain than placebo injections.

The researchers reached their conclusion as part of the BMJ's Rapid Recommendations program, an initiative to sift through studies to make informed recommendations for patient care.

For this study they conducted a meta-analysis of 81 trials involving a total of nearly 8,000 participants. They looked at the differences between sham injections and medically prescribed injections based on a range of criteria including pain relief, sleep quality, opioid use, social and physical functioning, ability to work, and more.

The review encompassed the use of 13 different procedures including several different methods of injecting steroids and anesthetics such as epidurally or intramuscularly, as well as the use of a procedure known as radiofrequency ablation, which uses heat to destroy parts of nerve tissue to block its pain-signaling ability.

After the review, the panel found that none of the procedures had "high certainty evidence for any procedure or combination of procedures" either on pain in specific areas of the spine (axial pain) or pain that radiates down the legs or arms (radicular pain). As a result, they issued a strong recommendation against the use of these interventions, a decision that takes a consensus of at least 80% of the panel.

Ulterior motives?

Despite these findings, the researchers say the use of injections to treat back pain is on the rise.

Patients should understand that clinicians might have other motives in prescribing spinal injections to treat their back pain, according to a new study
Patients should understand that clinicians might have other motives in prescribing spinal injections to treat their back pain, according to a new study

As an example, they report that between 1994 and 2001 in the US, lumbar epidural steroid injections increased by 271%, and the use of facet injections in which local anesthetics are injected along the spine, went up 231% for lower back pain. Additionally, "facet joint or sacroiliac joint interventions in US Medicare recipients increased from approximately 425 000 in 2000 to 2.2 million interventions in 2013," write the researchers.

One of the possible reasons for the disconnect between the use of injections for back pain and their actual efficacy might be confirmation bias.

"An analysis of 17 review articles on epidural steroid injections for spine pain found inconsistent conclusions, and that positive results were three times more likely when the review was authored by an interventionist (9 of 10 positive; 90%) versus a non-interventionist (2 of 7 positive; 29%)," says the report. In other words, if you were someone prescribing injections to treat back pain, and you conducted a study to look at its efficacy, your study showed it worked 90% of the time. If you weren't, your study was a lot less likely to support the treatment.

Another reason for the dissonance may be financial.

"For example, in 2017-18, the average billings among 106 physicians working at pain clinics providing nerve blocks in Ontario, Canada, was CAD 724,183/year (about US$510,000)," writes the panel. "Concurrently, a 2016/2017 survey of 777 Canadian physicians who performed interventional procedures for chronic spine pain found that only 37% believed their colleagues practiced in accordance with the current best evidence."

Furthermore, says the team, there is a major skew in the physicians using the treatments, with the top 10% of interventionists in the US performing nine times more procedures per patient compared with the bottom 10%.

"Yes, there are many pressures on providers to keep doing spine injections, and on payers to keep paying for them, but the more the evidence fails to support the widespread use of these injections, the less inclined healthcare systems will be to fund them," says the University of Washington in Seattle's Jane C. Ballantyne, who was not on the study panel.

"This Rapid Recommendation cluster will not be the last word on spine injections for chronic back pain, but it adds to a growing sense that chronic pain management needs a major rethink that is perhaps best achieved by a better balance of reimbursements between procedural and non-procedural chronic pain treatments," she concludes.

Source: The BMJ

Completely disagree. I managed to remain employed for 32 years thanks to my pain management Dr. I’ve had epidural injections and RF ablation. Both work and I would not have been able to function without them. Also, this opioid hysteria is a scam. I have been taking the same dosage of Tramadol, a total nothing burger medication, for 20 plus years. Not continuously, but as needed. I’ve stood in line with gray haired old ladies for my government ordered urinalysis, like we are heroine addicts. Such a load of crap. How many people have died because they couldn’t get pain killers from a pharmacy who purchased fentanyl accidentally online. A lot of people suffer with chronic pain and articles like this are a disservice.
I've had two treatments for Sciatica with RFTA. (Radio Frequency Thermal Ablation) Works for me, so to hell with these studies! Better than having the pain.
I totally agree about the opioid hysteria. I had a back treatment in 1985 that is no longer allowed. It is called a chemonucleolysis which is a special type of injection. It made my life livable again. The doctor that performed it told me to "nip the pain in the bud" if I had any recurrences of pain. For years I would go see him in follow ups and he would give me scripts for Darvocet and muscle relaxers to use as needed. When Darvocet was withdrawn from the market he switched to another one. Hardly ever needed them but the last time I went to see him I found out that I must go to a "pain specialist". Went to see one and when given a container for a urine sample it was all I could do to keep from spitting in her face. Now I just hoard my leftover pain pills. Luckily I haven't had any pain in several years.
Brian M
A number of commentators on here are quite positive in supporting the idea of pain intervention. Which for them might well be the answer, the article is really about stressing that the techniques might not be as suitable for everyone as its being made out by some doctors.
Plus of course individual experience is not a a statistical result and no placebo/blind testing can be applied.
For some working through the pain and movement/exercise might well be the answer rather than masking it, for those with other conditions injections and pain killers s might be the way to go.
Whichever you look at it back pain is painful and debilitating, and the best technique should be used for the individual patient.
Maybe an AI might be able to shift through the data and give an idea of what is the best treatment is for each condition!
I was suppose to get a spinal from the Anesthesiologist, but I got lucky (NOT) there was a resident in training. He asked me to bend over a bit for he could do the injection, before I could blink he was walking away, fortunately things were good, but then not. After my surgery, they came back and asked if I wanted a nerve block in my leg to block the surgery pian in my knee. They turn on the ultra sonic machine to see the nerve, so they could inject right next to it, The resident was up again he jabbed me the leg and went towards the nerve, jerk, move sideway, in, and out, the says he's on the wrong side, out again (same as above) then injects my leg, (AHH thanks dude) it felt pretty good, until it "sort of" really didn't. The front shin is permanently numb -"sweet"
Had a couple of injections. They did nothing. Got lots of pressure to continue despite the lack of results which was sus. There is definitely a financial incentive slash placebo going on here.
Hogwash! I've gotten epidural shots (cortisone) since 2019 and they definitely work. I can FEEL the pain clear up. Who am I to believe, these researchers or my lying brain? I only wish I had tried the shots earlier in my life.
Too often, when I hear MD's say that epidural shots don't work, this is usually coming from spine surgeons who are trying to push people into fusion surgeries, because they make so much money for each one. STAY away from fusions people, unless it is the last resort. This archaic procedure puts pressure on adjacent vertebrae and eventually, causes more problems than it solves.